Saturday, July 3, 2010

Writer's Block # 5: No Laughing Matter

Writer's Block: No Laughing Matter

Mar. 29th, 2008 at 8:25 PM

What do you think is too serious to joke about?

Personally, I think death is not something to joke about. The reason I say this is that for one thing, it's in bad taste. What if you make a joke about someone kicking the bucket or whatever. Another thing, what if someone had a recent death in the family and you make a totally tasteless joke about a suicide or something like that. For instance, one of my favorite TV shows, The Mary Tyler Moore's number one most popular episode is called "Chuckles Bites the Dust" tries to turn death into something humorous. While even I have to admit it does, I still think that death should never be something to joke about. It's off color and you never know if someone is mourning over a recent past or present loss of a best friend or family member.

Location:home in bed listening to...

Mood: tired

Music:Air America's Clout highlights with Richard Greene.

Tags:no laughing matter, writer's block

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