Saturday, July 3, 2010

My First Live Journal Post... strictly for sh!ts and giggles....

welcome to my livejournal world

Aug. 9th, 2007 at 10:30 PM

Hi and welcome to Sue's Shouts.... not sure where I want this to go yet except to say that love isn't all its cracked up to be. I've been a single girl for the past 6 months. While that doesn't bother me, I now wonder if its too late to do certain things in my life, like get married, settle down, and have a baby, not necessarily in that order, as I consider myself not exactly traditional, mainly cause I find it mundane and boring. I don't have anything against anyone who chooses to live their life that way but I know that isn't me. The only thing I would want for a potential mate and father of my child, maybe husband, but it doesn't have to go that way, is that he is loving, caring, kind and considerate. I would also like to add that he has thoughts and opinions of his own and isn't controlled by his parents. Is allowed to act like an adult and doesn't need permission to go places. If I wanted that, I'd date high school boys and that's just downright incestuous to me, since I'm almost 35.

Mood: thoughtful

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