Sunday, August 5, 2012

Someone Out There Needs A Smile

Written about a year ago but not previously published....

You need to be happy
You need someone out there who can make you smile
Who makes you laugh
And doesn't criticize you
And likes you for simply being you.
She likes your heart
She likes your smile
She likes the way after years of knowing you
Her heart beats faster
Her belly gets butterflies and flip flops whenever she sees you. 

After a long time of trying
Because she knows your heart is broken
Her heart was broken too and knows how you feel
You have her heart already.
Are you ready to open yours to her?
She is okay with whatever you say to her
Either yes or no is okay.
She just wants you to know
That there is a woman out there
Someone you least suspect
Who truly care about you
And accepts every aspect of who you are... 

Mitt Romney: “I have paid taxes every year. A lot of taxes.” If true, prove it.

Mitt Romney: “I have paid taxes every year. A lot of taxes.” If true, prove it.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

First Myspace Blog Post of 2009...

Saturday, January 03, 2009

1st Blog of 2009

Current mood: numb

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

2009 has to be better than how 2008 ended. A lot of uncertainty and not knowing how much loss you're gonna deal with either personal or job wise. And making decisions to speak up for yourself at a possible loss to yourself or someone else. Now you realize you're at a crossroads in your life knowing this is the year that you must make a change in your life or you will remain the bitter, downtrodden person that you've become. And hate with a passion.

I've been asking myself "What the hell happened to me? I've never felt this kind of anger and sadness before. Where did it come from? And why am I feeling this way?"

A year ago, I would have never shown disrespect to someone in authority. Now it's become second nature to me. Like it doesn't matter who the person is that ticks me off. They hear it. If I am not respected, that person will know it.

Sue :-)

My Latest Scribe and Rant

It's been over a year since I posted here. Since I last wrote, I fell in love. With a blue eyed God. I think he's the one. I am writing something in here just to let people know I am still alive. Yesterday I was surfing the web for jobs on NJ Hospital websites. I had a wave of sadness and fear and bad memories flush over me while I was looking at some of the websites, especially one hospital where two people who I used to work with caused me too much heartache and I still can't forgive for almost destroying me completely. I want to return to work but it is not easy to find anyone as a reference. I feel like I was blackballed even though it was not the case. I lost touch with some people. I emailed someone and the person never emailed me back. I can't even get hired at a bookstore. It's frustrating. When I worked I was a damn good worker until I got sick. It's like none of that matters now. The economy sucks and that's another factor. I just want to work 20 hours a week. I don't even need them to give me benefits since I will be covered as of May 1st. I do clerical work. I can type. Not well under pressure but I can type. I worked more than a decade as a medical records clerk. I delivered newspapers. Done my share of office work. I am college educated and am thinking about going for a degree in Political Science since I am a politics wonk. I  don't claim to be an expert here but I am forever reading and listening to talk radio. I listen to both sides of the aisle but I am a Democrat at heart. I also operated a switchboard on and off for two years. I spent three months doing patient registration. I volunteered for almost a year in a partial hospitalization program for mentally ill adults. I answer phones currently for an LGBT organization as a volunteer. This sounds like a resume but I am mainly venting. Let's see who sees this and knows anyone who is hiring.