Sunday, May 23, 2010

Firing your psychiatrist....

Tonight I was at a mental health support group meeting and they usually have guest speakers. Tonight's guest suggested firing your psychiatrist. Well. Dude. Easier said than done. Some people who have mental illness only have Medicaid. And not a lot of doctors will take it because the reimbursement rates are so low. That limits the person to mental health centers publicly funded. And mental health services aren't cheap. I've been on both sides. Uninsured, where I had to pay sliding scale fee to see a community mental health psychiatrist/nurse practitioner and a private doctor, who I still see while paying COBRA rates for health insurance because I made too much money (before health care reform. Haven't tried again yet.) to be Medicaid eligible. Not everyone is that lucky. With all due respect, buddy. You're in my county not in another part of the state where people are wealthier. They don't have your resources. That have to take what they can get. It sucks but it's their reality. And mine.

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