Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's been a long time... hopefully with more to follow...

     It's been a long time since I've written anything on this blogspot. A lot has happened. I am no longer in a down place in my life. I am no longer at my job as of December 11 of last year. They put me out of my misery by firing me.The timing was bad due to the economy.  Truth is, they did me a huge favor, looking back with a clearer head. I am slowly getting back into the game, hoping to give writing a serious shot, with a political bend to the writing since politics is my passion right now. Some of my writing will be very personal in the feeling department, mostly in the political department.
      In the meantime, next Saturday night April 17, I will be seeing my talk show favorite Stephanie Miller in action with John Fugelsang, Hal Sparks and the Rude Pundit (, all of whom I can't wait to meet. I am looking into schools, part time work, something to kill the time since I've been out of the workforce for awhile.  As soon as I can figure out how, I am hoping to put a donate button on this blog, since I do enjoy writing and hope to make a little money from doing it. I'm realistic enough to know that unless you're extremely lucky, one can make a salary just from writing, which is why I'm looking for work again also. Anyone hiring??? Just kidding, I know it's bad out there and I'd rather look at my own pace anyway.  I don't want to end up doing something that makes me miserable again. 2009 was the worst year of my life. (See other posts in this blog for more information). I'm hoping 2010 is much better. Here's to a new life, Susiecutie!!!

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