Saturday, July 3, 2010

Welcome to the World Anastasia!!!!

She's 2 years old now. I wrote this the day she was born via Livejournal.


Mar. 14th, 2008 at 9:45 PM

This afternoon I became an aunt again for the I don't know how many times now. I meant a great-aunt, for the third time, second time in three months. My niece Elizabeth gave birth at 5:19 pm this afternoon to a 7 lb, 5.2 oz, 20 inches long bouncing baby girl named Anastacia Elizabeth. She has dark hair like her daddy and long fingers like her mommy. Yes, I have a big family, but the only one of my brothers and sisters without children of her own. Not by choice. Just the way life worked out so far. It's sad even when your niece and nephew beat you out in the baby pool. It doesn't mean I'm not happy for them. I am. I really am. Just wish I had one myself sometimes. But that's ok. They have their single Aunt Susie who can do what she wants, when she wants, and for the most part, she does. I get the feeling that I'm the envy of most of my friends with children, how easy it is for me to get up and do something. The truth is that I envy them because they have someone that they can go home to, whether it's a husband, a wife, their children, their mother or father, or whomever their significant other happens to be at the moment instead of an empty, sometimes very lonely house with just a computer and an empty bed for company. But you learn to amuse yourself because you don't want to be a burden to anyone else and make them feel bad because at times, you feel bad yourself.

Location:Home is where the heart is...

Mood: loved

Music:Crystal Lullaby..from the Carpenters "Song for You" album circa 1972

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