Saturday, July 3, 2010

Frenemies of Convenience

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Frenemies of Convenience

Current mood: moody

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Why is it that people only talk to you when they want something from you? And then when they're done it's like you never existed in the first place. Another day in the workplace, like almost every other day, where you sit alone because no one wants to associate with you and you can't figure out why (actually I can but some things aren't worth getting into). You're rejected because you won't conform to what other people want. Lies are made up about you and people would rather believe the lies. You'd rather listen to talk radio about real life events, no matter how depressing they are than listen to what you feel is mindless gossip. Especially when it is about you or people you care about.

Talk about celebrities, last night's American Idol, (no offense to those who like it) makes me want to yawn. I get bored with it so easily. I'd rather dissect the latest news events, like the former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich hosting a talk radio show this morning, or the stupidity that is AIG or what Obama is up to. If there's anyone out there interested in talking about those things, let me know. I'm not badmouthing celebrities or American Idol. I'm not that interested in keeping up with it.

Sue :-)

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