Saturday, July 3, 2010

First Myspace Blog Post of 2009...

Saturday, January 03, 2009

1st Blog of 2009

Current mood: numb

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

2009 has to be better than how 2008 ended. A lot of uncertainty and not knowing how much loss you're gonna deal with either personal or job wise. And making decisions to speak up for yourself at a possible loss to yourself or someone else. Now you realize you're at a crossroads in your life knowing this is the year that you must make a change in your life or you will remain the bitter, downtrodden person that you've become. And hate with a passion.

I've been asking myself "What the hell happened to me? I've never felt this kind of anger and sadness before. Where did it come from? And why am I feeling this way?"

A year ago, I would have never shown disrespect to someone in authority. Now it's become second nature to me. Like it doesn't matter who the person is that ticks me off. They hear it. If I am not respected, that person will know it.

Sue :-)

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