Saturday, September 6, 2008

Welcome to my blog,

Here it is... my first virgin post. LOL... anyway.... I wanted to give this blogging thing a shot so I'm going to. With this I must respond to McCain's pick for the Vice President. Sarah Palin. Are you effing kidding me? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a woman, I would love to see a woman in the vice presidency or presidency in my lifetime, but this one??? I would prefer to see a woman more of Hilary Clinton's ilk than Sarah Palin. I have more than a dozen nephews and nieces and THEY are more qualified to hold the office if they were interested and my oldest niece is in her twenties and a single mom (go Bristol Palin... hey, if you're reading this, my niece could give you some tips on how to take care of a child if your mother's too busy "running for the VP" position...)

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